If I could right a letter to me and send it to myself when am 25.
I would start with saying I’m lucky!
  Family memory
     Remember when you and the family took trips? You always had fun. Your sister loved hanging out with you, even when y’all fought.
  A favorite school memory
    Remember when you were in the 8th grade and your class took a trip to Houston? Everyone had so much fun. All the rides at the park made everyone sick because we had just eaten before we went. The next day everyone loved the museum...we got to touch sting rays and dissect squid. I think everyone in my class had fun at the baseball game we went to watch the last day.
  Something that you’ve accomplished that you’re most proud of
   Remember that you were on varsity basketball your sophomore year? You had only been playing for four years. Your had just picked up your first basketball when you were in the 7th grade. Somehow, you were still on the same skill level and higher than other people on the team.
  Things in your life that are the most important to you NOW
    I hope your school, family and friends, are still important to you! You always made time for them all, and I hope you still do.
  Things that you’re worried about NOW
    Remember you always made great grades, but you still worried about passing Mrs. Lee’s class. I was worried about getting college and getting into UTA.
  Career goals you hope to accomplish in the FUTURE
    I hope you have accomplished your dreams of going to college and becoming an interior designer. I hope you remembered to stay focused in college. Go after your dream.
  Your relationship and/or family plans for the FUTURE
    I hope you're still close to your family. Remember your plans for having three kids, but y’all wanted to adopt the first child. Y’all wanted your kids to love the adopted child. I hope you, your sister, and your friends still have girl’s night out.