I would like to be a student at the University of Texas A&M Commerce.
I am currently taking: AP History, Tech Prep (technology), Art, Pre-Cal, English 4, and Accounting at Celeste High School.
I plan to take the SAT during the fall of 08, but I will soon be taking the ACT. My PSAT score was a 1050(that’s with the writing excluded of course).
I partcipate in things outside of school such as: football, UIL Academics, Baseball, Track, and FCA.
I have yet to serve any community service hours, but I plan to start very soon.
I have numerous wresting, football, and track metals
I am currently planning on attending a program called Project Steem. This is a program in which you work at a college level in areas such as math and science.
I love to play sports and go parting with my friends in my freetime!!!
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