All About Courtney!!

I am Mexican and I am a junior at Celeste High school. My parents are divorced, and I live with my dad. I visit my mom on the weekends sometimes.I have a lot of brothers and sisters. I don't live with any of them. My grandparents don't live any near where I live. I have to travel a good distance just to see them. I have gone to several different schools before I started to go to school here.

I look just like my mom. A lot of people say we could pass for twins and I really hate that because I like to be my own self. I don't like to be compared to others, including my mother. Of all people I would rather look like my aunt because she is much more cooler than my mom is. When my parents got divorced, I wasn't that young, but I was young enogh not to understand the full effect of the divorce. I am completely happy with my life. A lot of people think that just because my parents are divorced, it means that I am not happy, which is totally false because I am happy I wish people would understand that instead of just jumping to conclusions.

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