Letter to Me
Do you remember those old high school days, going on vacation with your family,
hanging out with your friends, going on class trips? Well, if you don't, these things should remind you.
A Favorite Family Memory
Do you remember when you and your family went on that vacation to Mexico to visit you aunt. You know, the one
who had all the birds, the hawk and all the chickens. Remember how you got chased by all the chickens and nearly pecked to death.
Good times, good times.
A Favorite School Memory
Do you remember, in the 6th grade, when you went to Fossil Rim and went on that tour around the entire place. Do you
remember when Courtney I. told her mom "Look mom, I see the rhino's tail." and her mom told her that wasn't
the rhino's tail.That was pretty funny wasn't it?
Something that You've Accomplished that You're the Most Proud of
I am proud of the time I managed to actually pass geometry.I'm also proud of the time I got my first tackle in football.
I felt really proud when I rode my bike by myself. My parents were proud of me when I actually cleaned my room. I'm probably
the most proud of when I won a medal in track for shot put.
Things in Your Life that Are the Most Important to You NOW
My family and friends are things that are really important to me now. God is something that is very important to me now.
Getting good grades is something that is also important to me. Deciding on a future career is something that is important.
My grades are important to me, so I can make a good living.
Things that You're Worried About NOW
I'm worried about whether or not I am going to pass Geometry. I hope I pass the six
weeks all together.I don't know whether or not what we are having for lunch today is really food.
I want my future career to get me enough money to make a living.I am nervousabout being able to get
a good job in general.
Things You Like to Do/Ways You Spend Your Time NOW
I like to play video games or watch t.v. If I have spare time I like to go outside and play hacky sack to see how many
I can get without it hitting the ground. If I have homework or chores I do those before I do anything else. I hang out with
my friends if I get the chance.I go to church on Wednsday nights.
Career Goals You Hope to Accomplish in the FUTURE
I hope to get a good job that will earn me a decent living. I hope to start a career in Art or some Art related career.
I hope to make a good amount of money from my job. I hope to find a job that will have me wanting to get in the
morning just to go to work. I want t job that will be fun and have me meeting many different people.
Your Relationship and/or family Plans for the FUTURE
I don't really have relationship or family plans for the future.