Blue Devil
PIP Team

Half-time during the Lady Blue Devils basketball games are never boring when the Celeste PIP (Players in Progress) team performs.  This group of young students range in age from Kindergarten to 6th graders.  Head Coach Shayla Lewis and assistant coaches Abi Evans and Nancy Myers have worked hard coaching these kids on their ball-handling skills.  What is a PIP?  A PIP is a Player in Progress.  PIP is a national organization designed to encourage self-discipline, working hard, and having the courage to try.  The PIP program utilizes basketball skills to help build strong, productive, positive kids.  PIP players start at their own level and progress at their own pace.  The one thing every PIP knows is to keep going even when we mess up.  We all know life doesn’t always go as we planned, and successful people are those who keep getting up.  PIP participants must learn a series of drills ranging from figure eights to the spider and rocking chair for more advanced players.  PIP also helps to improve agility, physical skills and general fitness, and PIP encourages character development by building self-assurance and self-esteem. 

The 2008-2009 Celeste PIP uniforms this year were made possible by the following sponsors:  First Bank of Celeste, Sewell Saab Hummer of Plano and Cary Herron Construction of Wolfe City.  We want to thank our sponsors as well as our parents who help out when we need them at practice and continue to encourage their child.  For more information on the PIP organization, access http://info.pipsyeah.com/.

Advanced PIP Team

Beginner PIP Team

PIP 5 Point Skill Award

PIP 10 Point Skill Award

PIP 15 Point Skill Award

PIP 20 Point Skill Award

PIP 25 Point Skill Award

PIP 30 Point Skill Award

PIP 35 Point Skill Award