CJHS 8th Grade English Class
Gets Persuasive in the Business World

Mrs. Hicks' eighth grade English students were recently given an assignment to create a product and market it by writing a persuasive paper and selling the idea to their classmates in a classroom presentation. There were many creative ideas shared.  Katie Amaro created her own line of handmade earrings and she named her business Earrisistables.  Austin Wilson created Wilson's Taxidermy.  His project included an actual bird that he mounted by himself for his presentation.  Morgan Lewis created a line of accessories made from duct tape: bracelets, belts and wallets (they came in a rainbow of colors). Some students made food products and others made homemade soaps, lotions, lip gloss. Tyler Willeford created a self-propelled lawn mower that runs from a laser and brought the model to show the class.