CJHS Names Val and Sal
By: Nancy Longino

Enthusiasm, ambition, confidence and compassion are common characteristics shared by the two top students and recipients of the coveted Valedictorian and Salutatorian titles of Celeste Jr. High School.  Jennifer Moore will hold the title of Valedictorian and Kelli White will hold the title of Salutatorian.

“I love my teachers,” said Jennifer Moore, class valedictorian. “They really try to build relationships with students to make school more enjoyable.”

Among her many awards for acting, earned while performing in UIL plays, Moore holds many fond memories of her years at CJHS.  She loves reading and history, and track is her favorite sport.  A fond memory that stands out from all the others is her class trip to SanAntonio.  Moore will be traveling with her family this summer to California, and enjoying church camp and camping with family friends.  She is the daughter of Crawford and Theresa Moore of Celeste.

The sense that CJHS teachers and administration provide a caring atmosphere is shared by salutatorian, Kelli White, also of Celeste.  Mrs. Kathryn Claxton, her math teacher, has made a permanent imprint in her young mind and she shares her teacher’s love of children.  Kelli looks forward to high school and being in a new environment and seeking different challenges.  Kelli’s favorite memory of Jr. High School was her trip to SanAntonio and all the fun they had on the river walk.  She will be spending her summer in Vacation Bible School.  Kelli is the daughter of Phillip and Sharon White, also of Celeste.