CJHS 7th Grade Science Students = Empowering Minds
The 7th Grade at Celeste Junior High School recently visited EDS, Electronic Data Systems Corporation, to learn about a project called JASON. Mrs. Cathy Jones, CJHS science teacher, is supplementing her science curriculum with The JASON Project. The JASON curriculum has been designed by the world’s leading scientists and educators. It provides hands-on inquiry based approaches that allow students to gain technology-rich learning experiences that help make science real and relevant. During the project, students get to know and identify with real scientists. Through virtual investigation, and robotic space exploration, students will explore Mars. EDS has created a digital lab that uses innovative technology, 3-D capabilities and multimedia to experience what it would be like to launch a rocket from Earth to Mars and observe Newton’s laws of motion as never seen before. CJHS students will observe a team of NASA scientists as they conduct hands-on investigations and make exciting discoveries from Mars. EDS has been JASON’s founding technology sponsor since 1989.