Celeste ISD
2007-2008 Teacher Appraisal Calendar

Date Event or Requirement
8/15 PDAS Training
8/27 Appraisal period begins.
9/17 Teacher Self-Report Part I due to campus principal.
First day for formal observations.
11/20 No formal observations. (day preceding holiday)
12/20 No formal observations. (day preceding holiday)
3/14 Deadline to complete recommendations for contract renewals.
Last day for Teacher Self-Report Part II & III.
Must be at least two weeks prior to the summative conference.
3/14 No formal observations. (day preceding holiday)
4/4 Last day for summative report completion prior to conference.
Report must be completed five days before summative conference.
5/16 Deadline for summative conferences.
6/9 Deadline to submit appraisal records to central office.
  All formal observations will be scheduled.  The process for the grievance is outlined in board policy DGBA.