
After High School, I would like to pursue a career as a Neontal Nurse Practitioner . Because this job requires extensive amounts of training, education , and experience , I plan to get a temperary job to help with the expensenses. At this point in my life, I am not certain of where to attend college.

Current Courses

SAT/ACT scores

I have not taken these tests yet. I plan to take them whenever they are offered to me.

Extracurricular Activites

  • One-act Play
  • Drum Corps
  • UIL
  • Spanish Club
  • FCA
  • Yearbook

Coummuntiy Service

I have done serval community service projects with my youth group at First Baptist Church Of Celeste. I have volunteered at a nursing home. Also, i have volunteered 3 summers in a row to aid the teachers who teach summer school at Celeste Isd. I have volunteered to work the concession stand at a variety of games. I also have been on 2 mission trips. On these we set up a VBS in a park for all the kids of the local neighborhood to attend. We also set up a location where locals could come and collect canned goods as well as other household items that they needed. Also, I have tought Sparks, a class in AwANA, at church as well as VBS.

Talents, Awards, and Honors

I am very good at teaching, writing, and reading as well as Acting. Awards: I have received several certificates/metals/ awards for different things.

Employment, Internships, and summer Activites

Church activities: world changers/ mission trip/ church camp I was employed by my grandmother- I took care of a lady who was wheel chaired bound. I also am currently employed by the FBC of Celeste to watch children. During the summer, I work for my mother, who owns a daycare in our home. This job teaches me alot about children.


Reading, writing, singing, drumming, watching kids, Grey’s Anatomy, SHOES, shopping, web designing, scrap booking, hanging out with friends, MOVIES, photography, etc


  • Andrea L.
  • Wes B.
  • Judy J.
  • Karen C.
  • Karen H.
  • Hillary E.
  • Kirsty B.

  • Phone numbers available on request.
    Email Me!